Having the right stories and knowing when and how to tell them is crucial for anyone who aspires to lead or persuade. The second installment of our On-Air Storytelling Series “Power, Persuasion and Influence” focuses on tactical elements of communicating stories to drive business results. Led by storytelling expert Ginny Pulos (@ginnypulos), founder and president of Ginny Pulos Communications Inc., she discusses the upcoming presentation with PR Newswire as well as the ways that businesses can incorporate personal storytelling to build relationships, credibility, trust, and influence.
1. Find your brand’s true voice
Storytelling creates a powerful opportunity to form genuine bonds with others. As Ms. Pulos says, even if you have a great marketing strategy, “To be a great leader you need to be able to tell stories that motivate, inspire, persuade, and move people to action.” Part two of the Google Hangout series will focus on the best way to communicate your brand’s “personal power” to connect with audiences.
2. Share personal stories
According to Ms. Pulos, the unspoken aversion towards sharing personal stories in the workplace is misguided. “You have to choose what you tell,” she says, “But very often the things where there was failure involved, what you learned from it, and how it changed your life are the things that inspire other people and motivate them when they are going through a dark time.” Personal stories also form relationships and allow others to understand your brand message with clarity.
3. Utilize all company assets for effective storytelling
Ms. Pulos strongly believes that “Even people who are very inexperienced can be very powerful” with regards to effective storytelling. During the Google Hangout, Ms. Pulos will be joined by recent grad student, Danielle Hart, who has successfully employed storytelling tactics to land a new job, negotiate a promotion, and engage with clients. Ms. Pulos adds that no matter what age, “everyone can be powerful in building the focus, the brand, the persuasion, the sparkle, the team, and the client’s goals”
Using storytelling in a business strategy can be much more influential than mundane facts and figures. Not only does it rouse emotion, but storytelling is indicative of essential leadership qualities which build trust and credibility among potential clients. It is vital for business stories to be truthful, personal, and persuasive in order to motive and inspire listeners. To learn more about how storytelling can drive business results, join Ginny Pulos and PR Newswire on August 8th for part two of our Storytelling Series, “Power Persuasion & Influence: Stand Above the Crowd by Learning to Develop True Stories to Drive Business Goals and Results.” Register here: http://www.commpro.biz/agile-engagement/power-persuasion-influence-stand-above-the-crowd-by-learning-to-develop-true-stories-to-drive-business-goals-results/
Author Shannon Ramlochan is a member of PR Newswire’s marketing team.
Tagged: marketing strategy, Visual Storytelling